How do I use the databases from off campus?


After you click on the database that you would like to use for your research, you will be prompted to enter in a username and password. This is the username and password that you use to log into MyMV, MVCC email, Brightspace, and the computers on campus. (For library databases, do not include the or 

This is the screen that will appear to prompt your login:

Off-campus database login form


If you change your MVCC password, then your password for accessing databases will also change to the new password. If you previously saved your database access password, you will need to update the saved password to be able to log in. 

Many people save their password in their browser and then have trouble re-entering it when logging into the databases. Here is how you can retrieve your saved password from your browser:



Safari/Mac computers


For other browsers or devices, try searching the internet for retrieve saved passwords [name of browser or device].


If you continue to have trouble logging in, reset your MVCC password by logging out of MyMV, then clicking Forgot Password when logging in again. You can also reset your password by contacting the IT Help Desk at or 315-731-5711.



  • Last Updated Dec 04, 2024
  • Views 507
  • Answered By Claire Ehrlich

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