How can I read the full text of an article?


Most articles you find in MVCC databases are available in full text. However, it is not always easy to find how to access the full text. Each database looks and works differently. However, here is how to locate the full text in three of our most-used databases:

In Primo (otherwise known as the Big Green Search Box on the library homepage), many articles have a link named "Read Article" at the bottom of the entry in the results screen:

Read Article link in a Primo result

Clicking on this will take you directly to the full text of the article. If you are off-campus, you will need to log in. 

For articles that do not have this option, click the "Available Online" link to see the databases where the article is available:

Available Online link in Primo result

Select any of these databases to go to the item record in that database. You may still need to click one more time to access the full text (see below). 



EBSCO databases, like Academic Search Complete, Humanities Source, and Social Sciences Plus, provide links to full text on the left. Select PDF Full Text when it is available, as this is an image of the article as it originally appeared, including images, charts, and page numbers.

image of full text options in EBSCO databases


In Gale databases, like Academic OneFile, you should be directed straight to the full text of the article. If not, click on the title of the article from the results page, NOT the "Check for Full Text Availability" link at the bottom:


If you have problems accessing the full text of an article, ask a librarian! We can help you find what you need, and we can solve any problems that you find!

  • Last Updated Dec 04, 2024
  • Views 234
  • Answered By Claire Ehrlich

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